It could replace all lithium batteries and even the famous Tesla Powerwall? A completely new technology - Proton batteries that just need water and carbon - How it works and what's so special (Video)
Most of our everyday electronic devices work on lithium-ion batteries. However, it may be that their days are already counted. Scientists at the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia have developed an alternative battery based on carbon and wate...
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Elon Musk takes a new giant project - a huge decentralized electricity grid and a 250 MW virtual solar power plant
Until recently, Tesla has announced it has reached an agreement with the South Australian authorities and is about to install solar panels on 50,000 homes. The whole project is called Powerwall, which will create the largest virtual powerhouse ...
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This is something that can be placed on the table and generate energy from what does not appear: Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created the first thermoreactors (Video)
We may not always notice, but the weather surrounding us is constantly rising or shaking. Now, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientists have decided that these changes in temperature must be exploited for electricity generatio...
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This could lead to an earthquake in energy, but not all is finished: scientists did not even expect to create a new super-capacitor - charging an electric vehicle takes only 10 minutes
Scientists say they have achieved a real breakthrough in energy storage technologies. Due to this technology, electric vehicles will be able to drive the same distances as diesel or petrol-driven vehicles. But what's even more important is that ch...
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Potential is boundless: the world's largest solar power park is under construction. Almost $ 4 billion in investment will make Egypt a completely different country
The aim of Benban Solar Park is to achieve, by mid-2019, that the installed solar power would reach 1.6-2 GW. This gigantic solar power park will provide clean energy to fast-paced Egypt and sustainable economic growth.No additional financi...
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This is a completely utopian energy technology, which is not yet available in the world. Scotland builds underwater wind power park: green electricity will be built up enough for the whole country (Video)
Scotland really wants to become Europe's leader in renewable energy and has already announced a concrete plan on how it will move.According to the Renewables Scotland 2030, developed by Common Weal Policy engineer Craig Berry, the U...
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