For the first time in recorded mystical dark matter signal. And it comes from the Sun

For the first time in recorded mystical dark matter signal. And it comes from the Sun

 For the first time in recorded mystical dark matter signal. And it comes from the Sun

Topics of the universe, scientists have for decades looking for the answer, what is the dark matter, which accounts for most of the universe is determined by its structure, processes. University of Leicester (UK) published by scientists for the first time in human history simply recorded this mystical substance signal.

Investigators say they identify a European Space Agency space observatory XMM-Newton called aksionų recorded signal. Its source - the Sun ours. It is believed that dark matter particles emanated from the star core and the face of the Earth magnetic field aksionai turned into X-rays, publish

Aksions hypothetical elementary particles of the single field, with low mass and zero electric charge. These particles can interact with matter only in its gravitational field. It is believed that they are part of the dark matter.

New research results can be delayed for several years, but if this happens, it will have a huge impact on the scientific understanding of the universe.

Issued by the magnetic field

Invisible dark matter, scientists believe, is about 85 percent. The substance of the universe. Considered that the universe encompassed a network of dark matter determines the structure of the space, but so far, directly capture this material failed.

University of Leicester researchers investigating unusual signal detected telescope XMM-Newton 15-year fixed measurements. They noted that the X-ray machine recorded flow was increased about 10 percent., When he watched the sunlit Earth's magnetic fields.

Astronomer Andy Reade said that the adoption of models of the universe that could explain it. According to him, the rejection of galaxies, other stars and other X-ray sources of influence on the intensity of radiation in space would be the same, regardless of when the measurements are taken.

As traditional models of physics could not explain it, scientists turned to looks more exotic theories. And one of them was perfect. It is said that the core of the sun spreading of theoretical dark matter particles aksionai you reach the Earth's magnetic field generates X-rays.

"If this model is correct, then it can certainly be aksions and may explain part of the dark matter," - said A.Readas.

Royal Astronomical Society president Martin Barstow hid surprise: "This is a great result. If confirmed, this will be the first direct dark matter particle capturing and recognition. Our Universe will have fundamental impact. "

The main author of the study, George Fraser, died in March, just after completion of the study and presentation of the results of scientific journals.

"It is likely that aksions - possibly dark matter particles - in fact creates the core of the Sun, and is transformed into X-rays reach the Earth's magnetic field," - wrote G.Fraseris.

The existence of dark matter, scientists still debate since 1933. This invisible matter, different experiments, but concrete evidence has not yet been discovered.

"These exciting discoveries are described in the study report G.Fraserio can open a window to a new kind of physics and have a significant impact not only on our understanding of the radiation, but also the dark matter that dominates the universe," - noted A.Readas.

If Leicester University researchers have discovered a truly aksions these mystical particles are incredibly lightweight - approximately one hundred billion times lighter than an electron.