Recorded the most powerful flare star, 10 thousand. times stronger than the Sun (Video)

Recorded the most powerful flare star, 10 thousand. times stronger than the Sun (Video)

 Recorded the most powerful flare star, 10 thousand. times stronger than the Sun (Video)

Emanating from the solar flares can disrupt satellites and electronic devices. This time NASA telescope Swift captured something much more dangerous - the hottest, strongest and longest lasting series of flares, which released quite close in the red dwarf.

This flash was about 10 thousand. times stronger than the most powerful ever released in our solar outburst.

Until now, we thought that the bursts of red dwarfs can not last longer than a day, but not during the last two weeks seven registered some powerful eruptions, "- said Stephen Drake, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

During the peak flash temperature of up to 200 million. degrees Celsius - 12 times more than the core of the Sun. Superžybsnis came from the adjacent binary star CVn DG (DG canuma Venaticorum).

Both systems are blurred stars red dwarf with a mass of about one-third the mass of our Sun.

"The system did not study ever since did not think that they can spread such powerful bursts," - said the astronomer Rachel Osten of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

Most of the stars located about 100 light-years from our solar system, the middle-aged - like the sun. However, this double star is very young and came from the other places in space.

Other stars corona mass eruptions taking place on the same basis as the sun. The active regions of star atmosphere magnetic field becomes distorted, allowing the field to store energy. Then the field is destabilizing and stored energy escapes. We see it as a flash.

By far the most powerful solar flare was recorded in 2003. Whose strength is rated X 45 If the system of red dwarfs any planet is far away from the Sun than Earth, its strength reach X 100, 000 persons.