Tango with a horse, 'Horse Whisperer' is called a self-taught from Argentina (Video)

Tango with a horse, 'Horse Whisperer' is called a self-taught from Argentina (Video)

 Tango with a horse, 'Horse Whisperer' is called a self-taught from Argentina (Video)
www.spicytechnonews.com/news/-tango-with-a-horse---horse-whisperer--is-called-a-self-taught-from-ar spicytechnonews.com

No whips, screaming or spur. There is no need to demonstrate even the hand hardness. Argentine Martin Gaučas Tatty his beloved horse Milonga perform incredible acrobatic stunts, which generated unprecedented and Argentine tango with a horse, just ... persuade.

In words, gentle touches, friendly tap on grooming struck. I get the impression that 33-EJU self-taught horse horse Whisperer persuade perform virtually any action.

"That I am by nature - nature as given to me - especially confident with horses learning to establish a close link between the San Antonio de Areco resident of the city. - No one taught me that. Myself as I go."

11 years ago, Martin's ability to tame the horses noticed a farmer raising horses. He suggested that the young man to demonstrate his skills in special appearances. Since then Mr Tatton demonstrate their skills while traveling around the world. Trickster convinced that it is capable of any human being - just have patience and love.

However, the warm and cold have seen 70-year-old horse trainer Albert Nally disagree. He argues that Martin paid access to the horse as well as any other Gaučas unable (or Argentine cowboy).

"No magic is not there. Simply communicate with the horse very, very gently," - reveals his secret M. Tatti, his performances regaled several thousand viewers.