Captured from the sea coast emit a strange creature (Video)

Captured from the sea coast emit a strange creature (Video)

Captured from the sea coast emit a strange creature (Video)

A lot of strange and interesting animals created by our imagination. This is reflected in the long tradition of mythology. However, very few of the animals has received the names of mythological creatures.

Meet with the blue dragon. This is - one of the most beautiful animals on the planet. Blue Dragon is sometimes referred to as the marine blue angels. The most commonly found in tropical sea coral reefs.

The dragon-like appearance of its Venetian crystal articles. But really it is just a sea slug.

In reality, blue dragons are smaller than many people think their mythical namesake. They grow smaller than 3 centimeters, but other species are still wary of them.

Blue Dragon (Lat. Glauca Atlantic) spends most of his life swimming in the warm ocean currents on the back.

As Portal wrote "The Dodo", they attack prey limbs, a potent poison.
These dragons such deadly sting. they even kill others, even deadly poisonous sea animals, such as the portuguese boat.

Although blue dragons people often detects this morning and hazardous marine mollusk was captured this month after it was washed into the Coral Sea in Queensland coast of Australia.

It was a rare opportunity to see one of the world's rarest and most beautiful animals.