Google futurologist: People live forever began in 2029

Google futurologist: People live forever began in 2029

Google futurologist: People live forever began in 2029

Google's chief futurologist in an interview with Playboy set out its vision of how to imagine the future after 20 years. Raymond Kurzweil believes in the technological singularity - the idea that technology can help people to live forever.

Futurologist speaking about the future chosen Sen 2045-the year, because, according to his calculations, by this time developed nanobiological level of intelligence is a billion times greater than that of all the living people put together, "writes

However, R.Kurzweil think before Sen 2045-the year we will begin the process of immortality.

"I think the 2029's to reach a point where medical technologies to the life of one year will add another one," - he said.

For the vision to become a reality over the next 30 years, much still has to happen, but R.Kurzwell idea of eternal life is not surprising: he believes that nanotechnology devices in the future will be able to take over the maintenance of our immune system, to eliminate cancer cells or to clear clogged arteries, and human brain it will be possible to connect to the "cloud."

According R.Kurzweil, immortality is a natural step in the evolution of mankind, which compares with futurologist for development of the frontal cortex in the brain of our ancestors 2 million. years.

R.Kurzweil its statements are based on two ideas. The first is the level of technological progress. R.Kurzweil remembers his pocket recumbent Android phone is much smaller, more powerful and less expensive than in the sixth decade of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology used 11 million. dollars have cost computer.


The second idea is the work Results Joslina Diabetes Center in Connecticut. Biotechnology Centre used in order to turn off the fat insulin receptor gene in animals. This allows the animals to eat large quantities of food and keep the weight off and not be ill with diabetes.

"Hack" humans themselves be able to change millennia-old genes that do not serve us, and a significant increase in life expectancy.