How much per month earns the richest man in the world? Is this race over?

How much per month earns the richest man in the world? Is this race over?

How much per month earns the richest man in the world? Is this race over?

Jeff Bezos, founder and manager of Amazon, is the richest man in the world. This year has started very well with him. In the year 2018, he made $ 100 billion worth of valuables, but now he has only grown even more. Can somebody still be bothered with Bezosu?

Bezosas has repeatedly become the richest man in the world, but always for a short time. Bill Gates, the wealth of which is still rising, has become increasingly popular. However, it seems that now Bezosas will not let anyone out of this list at this very moment. The value of unsecured assets is about $ 129 billion. True, the word "fluctuates" should be highlighted - this number depends on the value of Amazon shares.

Bill Gates is now the second richest man on the planet. Obviously, $ 92 billion is not an asset to anyone to complain about, but the gap between Bezoso and Gates is now such that it is difficult to imagine any changes at the top of the list. What's more, Bezos now earns money so far at an unprecedented pace.

Last year, Amazon's CEO was extremely successful - he has added $ 35 billion to his assets. But this is nothing compared to how Bezos will earn this year. For the first three months, he increases his assets by at least $ 10 billion a month. Again, the new record is not guaranteed, as the stock exchange is often unpredictable. But estimates that this year, Bezos earns about $ 231,000 per minute - several times the average person earning a working age earns a year.

It's possible that Bezos will double its assets this year and reach $ 200 billion. In this way, he would become the richest man of all ages and, probably, twice more wealthy than Gates, who remained on the second list. The question is whether there is a limit on which the assets of Bezosu will cease to grow. So far, they do not see it, but it's hard to expect the value of Amazon's stock to grow steadily.

By the way, Gates himself thinks that it's not right that he is so rich. Bill and Melinda Gates are convinced that their wealth opens the door for them, which are closed to many and that is not good. Mellinda argues that, although they use their influence on good ends, it is clear that similar initiatives are not available to less wealthy people. World leaders will not leave the handset if Bill Gates himself calls, and schools and other organizations are promoting only those projects that will attract funds from the Gates Foundation. True, having noticed that their accumulated wealth is not right, Gatesy did not suggest any way, just reminded that the foundation was intended to help as many people as possible.