Immediate goals of mankind in space

Immediate goals of mankind in space

Immediate goals of mankind in space

India sent the Mars spacecraft began to orbit around the Red Planet, which only confirms the aspirations of mankind to fly farther than the Moon, space expert says Saul foxes. "The person round trip to Mars will not be easy, because you need to protect yourself from radiation, so the experiment was carried out with the flies. A few days ago the Dragon capsule flew 20 mice, - he speaks.

S. Lapienis words, people in space will soon fly not only scientific, but also for economic purposes: "It is no secret that the Transporters will begin flights to the moon, because there is something to pick up. For example, the helium-3 isotope of the energy situation in the world for many years to repair. "

- India successfully launched a spacecraft orbit around Mars from the first test. What does this move mean for India?

- This country, which has a specialist and the United States, Silicon Valley, perhaps not very surprising. Indian science strong enough. But success in the first attempt to be applauded. Although, in fact, there are examples - to Mars was an attempt to fly at once, only The percentage of successful cases is not large. Thus, more and more countries do something right the first time because of the improved electronics, sensors, communication, there is an enormous experience. Even Lithuania launched two satellites and the mission was successful.

- It is said that the Indian mission cost nearly 74 million. dollars. Is it cheap?

- A few days wandering American machine "Maven" cost 671 million. dollars - almost 10 times more. Also, perhaps not everything is known about the value of technology to, say, the highest level last spectrometry can be costly. But the amount corresponds to the Indian budget. After all, it is a list of 7-8 countries per year to spend more than a billion dollars. Only the United States tens of billions of counts. Second, in Russia - it is the only spending more than 10 billion. After all, the world is spending 72 billion. dollars, and the costs of this in India as low as 1 percent. On the other hand, everything is getting cheaper (mobile phones, computers), it is related to the cosmos.

- You can generally answer the question of which direction rotates the space program?

- First of all, the man learned to fly farther than the Moon. The person round trip to Mars will be a challenge because of the need to protect themselves from the radiation, and not by accident this fall and late summer was an experiment with flies. Checked the effect of the gene as part of a fly gene corresponds to the human. A few days ago the Dragon capsule flew 20 mice. So going even genetic testing to see how to safely send someone to Mars.

If you are talking about the economy is no secret that the Transporters will begin flights to the moon, because there is something to pick up. For example, the helium-3 isotope of the energy situation in the world for many years to repair. Operations are conducted in comets - the European Space Agency (ESA) facility "Roset is now close to one comet. In November, the first attempts to lower the probe will be carried out 12 scientific experiments.

- Can you talk about the total conquest of space policy and to identify some of the countries which are in the area of race?

- And the money, and ideas - always at the forefront of the United States. But it is a solid scientific apparatus recently released by the ESA. Distinguished dishes and China, which, although only spends 1 billion. Has a lot of opportunities to accelerate the space program. In fact, China - the only exclusive state that flying astronauts, the space station has a separate nekomutuoja and all other countries space vehicles. Chinese flew mėnuleigį, the Moon is going to exploit the raw materials. So China will certainly rise.

- Do residents always know about all the space programs? As far as can be those for which we do not even no idea?

- First of all intelligence. Online you can find out the release of some sort of reconnaissance satellite. OK again to display the reconnaissance ... Actually, we were the fifth country, immediately commissioned two satellites. We overtook Japan, Denmark, Italy, and we were working with the Americans. But the crew of the military and they still can not find anything, even though it was done 10 years ago. Obviously, there are some applications, the concept of classified.

However, even in China, which does not show all your mėnuleigį demonstrated at the exhibition were able to see the whole world. Only in Soviet times hid the start and then only show if it was successful. Now all the shows start, even with failure. For example, at the end of August was allowed two Galileo satellites (very important for the program), but failed - not to let the trajectory. Thus, the essential elements are not hidden.

RTL radio show "60 minutes"