If it were to happen that the Earth would actually suffer a catastrophe like Armageddon, Russian scientists would offer a rescue tool, writes lifecience.com.
The government-sponsored group of scientists has put forward the proposal to bomb attackers directly on our planet with atomic bombs with explosive power similar to that of already-built nuclear weapons. And the offer has been shown ... with laser beams bombarding the reduced "asteroid" model. And he described his ideas in a peer-reviewed study published by Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics.
However strange, a powerful laser is blowing up the asteroid model on Earth and the atomic missile-fired asteroid in space has some similarities. Although, of course, the differences are obvious.
Scientists have made the model of the asteroid on Earth very carefully from exactly the same material as is typical for most "rocky" asteroids, chondrites. And the enormous amount of energy generated by powerful laser pulses at one point in the model was more or less comparable to the atomic bombing that occurred at one point in the asteroid's surface. Researchers have argued that their experiments show that an asteroid 200 m is 10 times larger than that in 2013. Explosion over Chelyabinsk - A 3-megawatt atomic bomb crushed into non-hazardous particleboards that would dissipate and even miss the Earth.
The first truly tested thermonuclear weapon The Pacific Enevetaka Atoll was blown up in 1952 - its explosive power was about 10.4 megatons.
The authors of the study themselves acknowledge that targeting dangerous asteroids can be done in other ways - for example, gravity correction, when using the force of gravity to move the asteroid to a safer orbit. But this requires more advanced knowledge of the impending impact and planning. Meanwhile, an atomic bombing of an asteroid would even trigger such asteroids that are detected just before the collision.
The bombing of asteroids with atomic bombs is not an idea that has been heard so far: US researchers have also discussed it in a scientific paper published in February.