We live in one of the interrelated parallel universes?

We live in one of the interrelated parallel universes?

We live in one of the interrelated parallel universes?
www.spicytechnonews.com/news/we-live-in-one-of-the-interrelated-parallel-universes- spicytechnonews.com

Imagine a world where dinosaurs and disappeared as Germany won the Second World War, and you are born in a completely different country ... This world could exist today in a parallel universe to which we constantly interact, according to US and Australian research group.

Although it sounds like science fiction, but the new theory may explain many inconsistencies in the field of quantum mechanics, which for centuries baffled physicists.

United Griffiths and the University of California team hypothesized that evolved in a rather self neighboring worlds influence each other repulsive. This interaction may explain the strange behavior of particles at a microscopic level.

For the first time, multiverse theory proposed by Hugh Everett, who argued that quantum particles the ability to simultaneously occupy two states can be explained by the existence of two states in different universes.

Another famous proponent of this theory - Professor Juan Martin Maldacena claims that there were nine space and one time dimension. According to him, the data on volumetric bodies, such as comets or people, lies in a plane that is "real" version of our universe, and everything we see is only a hologram stored in the memory settings.

Until this decade strangelet theory no one dared to check, but recently Japanese scientists create mathematical models have shown that this can be true, and gravity in the universe could be formed by a thin, vibrating strings. These derivatives - a familiar universe of events taking place in the hologram.

"Parallel universes in quantum mechanics the idea emerged again in 1957 - said Griffith University physics professor Howard Wiseman - According to each branch of the universe is the number of new universes. And they realized the extent possible, for example, some of these dinosaurs of killing asteroid ahead of the Earth and the other in Australia was colonized by the Portuguese. "

Multiverse proponents argue that quantum effects arise from the universal push force generated between "adjacent" in the worlds. It is repulsive and promotes the life of the world to evolve in different streams. Scientists believe that some of the worlds is almost identical to ours, but most are very different. However, they are all equally real and have a well-defined properties.

Our world can be a simple universe of events taking place in the hologram.

Our world can be a simple universe of events taking place in the hologram

However, Griffith quantum dynamics Center scientist Michael Hall emphasizes that in order to prove the many interacting worlds "theory, to be carried out much research:" Our approach humor of the lies in the fact that it can explain the quantum mechanical discrepancies, - he says, - however, in any case, this new idea of the creation of the image in our minds will be useful for designing quantum phenomena phenomenon explanation needed for experiments.

Understanding quantum evolution can facilitate the understanding of the molecular dynamics of the laws, which is especially important in chemical reactions and the effect of the product management.

"It is likely that the sci-fi fans of a plot of the relationship between the parallel worlds will soon become a reality", - adds the scientist.

Texas honored University of Technology chemistry professor Bill Poirier, commented: "This is a great idea, and not only at the theoretical level. I have no doubt that together with the latest scientific achievements in the digital and in practice they serve. "