7 reasons why we buy what we do not need

7 reasons why we buy what we do not need

 7 reasons why we buy what we do not need
www.spicytechnonews.com/news/-7-reasons-why-we-buy-what-we-do-not-need spicytechnonews.com

Everyone we buy things that we do not need a whole, whether it be made by the manufacturer of the popular expensive jeans, added a piece of cheese, or our new smartphone software. Is it just due to the fact that we have too much money? I have no doubt, the absolute most out of your assurances that do not tend to spend money needlessly. So let's look at seven reasons for purchasing unnecessary items, which the magazine Psychology Today has formulated a psychologist Alain Samson.

1 We are run by advertising

We are each exposed to the marketing arms, which keep us-targeted. Advertising us "domesticated" to certain brands, they are also changing our attitudes and even the way we perceive our needs. Successful marketing goal - to encourage us to want to eat a certain product or service, even though we are so far without success all lived. We are tempted not so rational arguments, but are influenced by our emotions. The most successful online advertising - is that it is spreading the virus, causing the desired emotions such as surprise, or even joy.

Marketing packaging of goods or services so as to appear more attractive. Often people only later thinking that he was going to actually buy these potato chips, or bought only because the campaign was announced and it was possible to get a second (completely unnecessary) chips pack for free.

has become a complex science. Constantly in search of the tests, not to encourage us to buy. For example, some time ago, a study shows that people purchase more expensive bottles of wine, the wine section Negara sounds of classical music that creates the desired mood. In this case, we buy part, the mood and the wine only to the Appendix.

2 We copy each others

We are not just smart marketing works, but also to other buyers. Often we copy each other people's behavior, because we are not sure what needs to be selected. We buy a product because they gathered the people buying it. We follow the logic, if the other brand is necessary, then it's valuable. Do I really need it? Also, we buy things that are like other people, and is seen as fashionable. We do not want to be worse, we want to prove to yourself that we can keep up. But do not come up with the same race?

In this "imitation" effect perfect use Apple's marketers. Can not think why Apple earphones are just one form and only in white? Maybe that's why, when you see someone with these headsets, we immediately assign it unconsciously "own." Expensive headphones becomes not so much a way to listen to music as belonging to a particular group symbol.

3 We are impulsive

People are different. Some more, some less impulsive, but virtually every life is acted impulsively, as well as the buyer. Selling science is traced to an attractive package, the appropriate layout and presentation of products - all of which operate in specific brain centers. What looks attractive, is associated with reward, achievement, and often this association is stronger than rational considerations.

By the way, the buyer acted impulsively, and then usually try to rationalize their behavior, and myself looking for arguments to purchase one or the other is not as absurd.

4 Products tempters

Stores become more prevalent so-called hedonic products whose sole purpose - to provide comfort and enjoyment. For example, sweets, music, witty sticker. It is also part of the goods and services related to the development of our image: a full manufacturer's perfume, clothes. All these goods are linked to our emotions. That and a hedonistic image of the products are the main contenders for impulsive purchase.

A substantial part of the goods are conceived, not thinking about the needs of people, the benefits that may be available, but as tempters, appealing solely to the short-term emotions.

5 We are dependent on the mood

We depend on the mood. When we are in a good mood, have more energy, are more active, are often prone to self-reward any product or service, which is hardly rational we need. Psychological research has shown that people often perceive as the purchase of self-satisfaction, rather than as a way to acquire the necessary goods. On the other hand, it is very common for people buying transforms the accumulated negative emotions.

6 We are influenced by stress and constant rushing

When we need to hurry, fuss, or are distracted, our ability to think rationally significantly reduced, and then we are much more affected by environmental influences. Various experiments have shown that people rushing to the grocery store shopping carts insertion of the self even more goods than those who spend more time in the store. Rushing or else wandering thoughts buyer - a real treasure shops, because usually buys a lot more than they really need it.

7 We do not like change

Paradoxically, buying habits mostly remain the same, even though the needs are already significantly changed. Very often, this ends up in a crowded refrigerator, for example, the children went to study at the university, and their parents were used to purchase products in a large family.

Compiled by Andrew Navickas