Protein therapy prevents the spread of cancer in the body

Protein therapy prevents the spread of cancer in the body

 Protein therapy prevents the spread of cancer in the body

Researchers from Stanford University has developed a protein therapies to halt cancer in the reproductive process, which breaks down the cells of the tumor and the focus elsewhere in the body part of an aggressive new growth begins.

This process, which is known for some of metastasis may lead to the development of cancer in the body and death.

"Most of the patients to overcome cancer becomes metastatic forms of the disease victims - says Bioengineering Sciences Associate Professor Jennifer Cochran, which presents a new method of treatment in the journal Nature Chemical Biology.

Today doctors to slow down or stop trying metastases with chemotherapy, but the treatment is often ineffective and have significant side effects.

Stanford (England) team of scientists seeking to stop the metastasis without side effects, preventing the spread of cancer initiating protein Gas6 and Axl from the interaction.

Axl protein on the surface of cancer cells like hair stands ready to receive signals from biochemical protein Gas6.

When two Gas6 protein binds to two proteins Axl generated signals allows cancer cells to leave the primary focus, to migrate to other areas of the body, and to develop new cancer compounds.

To stop this process-based approach developed by J. Cochran Axl version of a protein that acts as a decoy. The fake version of Axl piggyback Gas6 protein and prevents the body from proteins merger and cancer cells activation.

The scientist, along with craft Giaccio from Stanford University Cancer Center, intravenously given these bioengineered proteins in mice with aggressive breast and ovarian cancer. Treated mice with breast cancer, 78 percent had had. fewer metastatic nodules, and the ovaries - as much as 90 percent.

"This is - a promising therapy, which should be effective and nontoxic preclinical experiments. It could open new gates in the treatment of cancer, "- said A.Garcia.

Further clinical trials are conducted to determine whether this approach is safe and effective in humans.