Archaeologists at Stonehenge have discovered a 1.5 km-sized 'Super Stonehenge'

Archaeologists at Stonehenge have discovered a 1.5 km-sized 'Super Stonehenge'

Archaeologists at Stonehenge have discovered a 1.5 km-sized 'Super Stonehenge'

Four years explored a world famous prehistoric monuments - Stonehenge - the surrounding area, Birmingham University archaeologists came to the conclusion that it is - only the tip of the iceberg. For the conclusion of the most accurate to date Stonehenge underground map, it appears that after the huge stone monument stretches, 1.5 miles primetro halo, which scientists surmised christen 'Super Stonehenge'.

This time, archaeologists have not worked with shovels and beaters, and magnetometers and radars: they drove along the ground dragging the trailer, which dragged ATVs. At the same time, the area was photographed and scanned by laser from the air. The data obtained through use of high-resolution three-dimensional, and Stonehenge mysteries lying beneath the map.

Salsbury Plains (Wiltshire, UK) study revealed around the megalithic monument in hundreds of hitherto undiscovered structures. Together with them, and discovered 17 still unknown ritual monuments, suggesting that Stonehenge was not alone. He found dozens of burial mounds in the vicinity. Some - more than 4.4 thousand. years. After one of them found 6 thousand. year-old remains of a wooden building. It is believed that it was carried out grisly burial rituals - from the remains was opened in the soft tissues of the body.

Until then undiscovered structures found in and near Stonehenge in the 3 km long and 100 meters wide valley called "Cursus", which is supposed to serve as a barrier to Stonehenge. Cursus found huge prehistoric valley depressions, the purpose of which is thought - astronomical. In the same midsummer morning recess pointed toward the rising sun, and the evening - sunset. Their trajectories intersect at a point which is 500 years old built Stonehenge.