Developed in record time who will work in, the wind power station

Developed in record time who will work in, the wind power station

Developed in record time who will work in, the wind power station

German energy company Enercon has introduced a new 4-MW wind turbines series "EP4" which are three different models will work extremely long. Company representatives say that they successfully produce electricity for at least 30 years, which will lead to lower electricity prices.

Among the world the majority of the plants standing 20 m. the term of operation. True, this is only a minimum estimate of the timing: some plants operate successfully in practice and longer.

According to Enercon Director General NICOLA Fritsch-Nehring, even longer life will improve wind farm project financing conditions, as the plant will return to investors and will carry 10 years longer than usual so far. Also, due to the decline in the price of electricity produced.

Enercon has already said the new plant has many advantages. Manufacturing process upgrades will reduce the cost of power, they will be easier to carry into the future park, as well as the plant is simplified assembly process.

The first day will see the light of the new power series model E-126 EP4 "for places where the wind is blowing moderate. The prototype model will emerge in 2015., And series production will begin in 2016. First of all, this plant will be offered on the German market. It is expected that during 2019. already be producing about 500 units of the E-126 EP4.

2017. Enercon present and IEC III model for places where the wind blows weak prototype. It will be presented and the third "EP4" series model for places where strong winds are blowing, the company said in a statement.