Nvidia study refuted the conspiracy theory: a man on the moon was, however,

Nvidia study refuted the conspiracy theory: a man on the moon was, however,

Nvidia study refuted the conspiracy theory: a man on the moon was, however,
www.spicytechnonews.com/news/nvidia-study-refuted-the-conspiracy-theory--a-man-on-the-moon-was--how spicytechnonews.com

NVIDIA marketing department at work is actually wasted, and the showcases the latest video card manufacturers representative. Nvidia has decided to deny the conspiracy fans cherished assertion that American mission Apollo astronauts land on the moon-11 is just a fiction.

Nvidia claims that the man on the moon really was. Conspiracy theory claims that the published images were recorded at the Earth's moon, and somewhere in a secret studio in Nevada. N. Armstrong photography, grooming B. Aldrin, the astronaut is well lit, while the module is in the shade.

Nvidia's engineers were able to restore the astronauts captured the scene through the engine Unreal Engine 4 and video boards Maxwell architecture. It is argued that the creation of computer animation in such conditions has shown that in fact Mr Aldrin was illuminated by the light that is reflected from the lunar surface and N. Armstrong Full face.