Otter able to withstand a good manners at the table (Video)

Otter able to withstand a good manners at the table (Video)

Otter able to withstand a good manners at the table (Video)

The Japanese continue striking. The human-like environment, they even inhibits many rare animals. One of them - the otter, which was filmed at the table eating breakfast.

Seated on a chair of an animal is not mad around the house, and takes nice paws dry food from a bowl. The truth finally tired of otter good manners and she jumped on the table.

"This time it is unusually nicely and politely ate at the table, so I decided to film - writes the video to the portal by User mixjam11. - But once I started eating, she jumped on the table and began to roll. Yes, as always, haha. "

Video recorded at the animal - is Gotu clawless otter. It - one of the smallest otter in the world and the only one of its kind spokeswoman otter tribe.

Pet should live in freshwater swamps in Indonesia, South China, India or South Filipnuose. The species is listed in the International Red Book.

Therefore, despite the lovely breakfast, a natural question arises, what Japanese law allows the animals to keep as pets at home? Is the status of the Red Book is not an obstacle?