Scientists have developed a battery of liquid metal

Scientists have developed a battery of liquid metal

Scientists have developed a battery of liquid metal

American scientists have developed a battery that consists of liquid metal electrodes. The invention relates to suggest that a new type of battery will be on the basis of green energy. The outcome of their study the authors told the journal Nature.

In the new battery electrode two liquid layers were separated liquid electrolyte layer. Metals and the electrolyte in the new battery has a different density, but does not allow them to move.

In the past, scientists have used to make the top electrode of the liquid magnesium lower - antimony, while the electrolyte layer - the physiological salt solution. However, this device is able to perform its functions only at about 700 ° C.

To reduce operating temperatures, the researchers decided to replace magnesium and lithium, antimony and instead use an alloy with lead. Lithium melts at about 170 ° C.

Researchers have managed to find an antimony alloy is 327 ° C, the liquid remains, and thus provides a high potential difference between the electrodes.

One of the advantages of liquid batteries, according to the researchers, high durability index of liquid electrodes, a new battery will not degrade due to the high charge and discharge cycles.

According to the authors of the experiment, even after 10 years of daily use the battery should retain 85 percent. its original container.