Scientists have discovered why the organic food is better than conventional

Scientists have discovered why the organic food is better than conventional

Scientists have discovered why the organic food is better than conventional

Is there a difference between what we consume food - organic or conventional? It seems a very simple question, but the answer is even very extraordinary. Its just no one knows - only to share opinions, insights. Here's yesterday published an article about the fact that some scientists believe organic food is worth nothing. And now, the trend is not on our side, is another study, the results of which speaks to the fact that organic food is much better.

It has been shown that organic food has more antioxidants, which are associated with better health, and less toxic heavy metals and pesticide residues. The results of this study inform the site

The international team of scientists has concluded that the change of conventional organic products benefit health. Professor Carlo Leiferto team led by Newcastle University found that between organic and non-organic food is a significant, significant "difference. Scientists estimates that antioxidants in organic products is 19 percent. up to 69 percent. more than usual.

Comments received by critics

It was probably the first study, as detailed examination of organic and conventional fruits, vegetables, and grains. Scientists say that a healthy human diet that conclusion will be very important.

Organic fruit contains antioxidants so that the fruit you eat 1-2 times a day, but the effect will be as if you were eating 5 times.

Thus, recent studies demonstrate the benefits of organic products not only to the environment but also to the human body.

However, the British King's College London Professor Tom Sanders has a different opinion. My question is - can the different fruits of the same kind of sustenance vary naturally? Are their sustenance entirely the same? I am not persuaded by these findings, "- confessed T. Sanders.

He also noted that previous studies have shown that organic grains have even less protein than usual.

However, the study was carefully reviewed and appeared in high-level scientific journal "Journal of Nutrition.

That study was based on sub-343 study materials that have been analyzed in the fruit, vegetable and grain nutritional value.

Ecology can save with heart disease

"The most important aspect of this study is that it destroys the myth that the ways in which the farm does not affect the product, which then eat" - welcomes Helen Browning, organization Soil Association Manager. This organization provides eco-labels for food products and has some of the strictest environmental standards among various other organizations involved in the same.

At present, at least in the UK organic food sales are recovering, they have fallen during the financial crisis, as organic products are usually more expensive.

Researchers conclude that organic food has more antioxidants can be based on the following facts: organically grown plants produce more antioxidants trying atsiginti from various pests. At the time, conventional crops are sprayed with chemicals and they do not need to defend himself. Only mature fruit.

The researchers also emphasize that organic vegetable and fruit seeds, seedlings are usually selected by resistance, furthermore, they are then fertilized in various artificial nutrient sources.

C. Leifertas argue that higher antioxidant content in the product is associated with a reduced variety of diseases, such as cardiovascular, nervous system disorders, some types of cancer.

On the other hand, the researchers acknowledge that the University has no long-term study has failed to demonstrate long-term nutritional health benefits of organic products.

Conventional grain - the toxic metal

The European Union and the organic farming charity funded research has also shown that the conventional grain often is much larger quantities of toxic metal cadmium, as well as the usual cereals four times more than is found in organic pesticide residues.

The research team has been criticized for the fact that the study included a variety of small and large studies. It is believed that some of the poor quality or biased studies could distort the overall hard work

For cadmium and pesticide residues challenged the conventional metal grains in harmful quantity shall not exceed the permissible limits. However, cadmium is a metal tends to accumulate in the human body and has a negative impact.

It is also critical scholars consider that the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables can vary because it was to examine the results of the various countries of the world. These countries differ not only in the climate, but also the composition of the soil, vegetable and fruit varieties and types.

The study by professors defend that these factors can not distort the test results.