Strange objects found on Mars (Video)

Strange objects found on Mars (Video)

Strange objects found on Mars (Video)

When working in NASA's Mars robot Curiosity has found another unusual stone. This particular its form: it is - almost perfectly round. By the way, has been spotted nearby on another arrangement, reminiscent of small lights.

With this rover of NASA experts say that it is not as big as it may seem - it should reach a diameter of about a centimeter.

According to them, this stone formed concretions on Mars - the process by which soil thickens and hardens. It is believed to have formed in the same way before, "Opportunity" to capture the small dark "balls" that Internet users have dubbed the Martian blueberries.

Curious derivative of Mars reminds small lights

Last week, "Curiosity" Mars has recorded another oddity: one on top of another "climbed" the three large rocks (and, perhaps, lower fourth). This place reminded Internet surfers lights.

"Curiosity" is the Sharpe mountain. The area is a major research goal rover.

Below the video you can see the more unusual artifacts on the surface of Mars photo: