The ground water is older than the sun?

The ground water is older than the sun?

The ground water is older than the sun?

It turned out that the Earth's water came before the Sun formed. And it increases the likelihood that life exists in many exoplanets, researchers say.

A new study shows that the water can be quite common ingredient of the dust and gas clouds, which gave birth to the entire solar system. It is believed that our star is 4.5 billion years old, but the water could have formed on Earth before the time of tiny ice crystals flying in space, in the form of.

University of Exeter Professor Tim Harries said: "We know that water is vital to the evolution of life on Earth, but it is very likely that the water is due to the specific conditions resulting from the early solar system."

"By studying the formation of the Earth's water conditions, we see that the formation of our solar system is not unique, and that other planets may place an even greater amount of water. This greatly increases the chances that some exoplanets may be suitable for the development of life-threatening conditions, "- said the professor.

Water-term formation of the Solar System

The international team of scientists has studied the first days of the solar system formed ice found on comets and asteroids, and revealed that they, along with the oceans, have the same chemical traces showing that already existed in the solar system during development.

Deuterium (hydrogen trunk, with extra neutron in its nucleus) in the water can only be explained by interstellar origin. This means that part of the solar water system (including Earth) appeared before the birth of our star:

"We have shown that the solar system is the water, which led to the birth of the environment, and thus it outperforms age - says lead author Ilsedore Cleeve from the University of Michigan - If our solar system was typical of the formation, which means that the water is shared by all ingredient in the formation of planetary systems. "

So far, the satellite "Kepler has discovered at least almost 1,000 exoplanets, and if all of them during the formation of the water could reach the surface, as has happened to our planet, there is a lot of promising hope of life spread across the galaxy.