The plant, on the twigs of ripening tomatoes, and potatoes instead of roots (Video)

The plant, on the twigs of ripening tomatoes, and potatoes instead of roots (Video)

The plant, on the twigs of ripening tomatoes, and potatoes instead of roots (Video)

Ipswich (UK) operating in the horticultural company Thompson and Morgan brought the plant, which is called TomTato. This - potato and tomato hybrid bearing twigs ripening tomatoes and potatoes grow underground. One such plant is capable of producing up to 500 tomatoes and no one kilo of potatoes. The unique variety of vegetables authors argue the plant variety bred without any genetic modifications, announces the BBC.

"TomTato" kind created elementary vaccination. This is - far from being the first successful attempt to grow a plant, maturing and potatoes, and tomatoes. However, many of these experiments ended with the vegetables that grew at a certain kind of taste.

However, TomTato "who led a company director Paul Hansordas stated that" TomTato "tomatoes were significantly better than the many stores selling tomatoes. It is no secret that this type of derivation took 10 years.

"Achieving these results was very difficult because of successful vaccination condition - tomato vines and stems must be of uniform thickness, - he said. - To carry out such a vaccination is very difficult. Similar varieties have already been seen. However, our plant has the advantage that it leaves do not grow vines .

According to the breeders, the plant has been in existence for one year. Can dig potatoes when ripe tomatoes. Company representatives say that examined how many tomatoes and potatoes are alpha solanine - a toxic substance, which both types of vegetables may occur due to certain production and storage conditions. Poisons than potatoes or tomatoes were found.

potato and tomato hybrid plant

"Not all of your gardens have enough land, that there could also grow and potatoes, and tomatoes. In this respect, the idea certainly welcome - strange crop prospects commented on the BBC show" Gardener's World "co-author, of the Royal Horticultural Community (Royal Horticultural Society) member Guy Barter . It is possible that such combined plants and gather attention, eg., already planned colonization of Mars missions.