Thousands of times slower: the operation of a digital SLR camera (Video)

Thousands of times slower: the operation of a digital SLR camera (Video)

Thousands of times slower: the operation of a digital SLR camera (Video)

You like to take pictures? But have you ever wondered how to mechanically operate your luxurious hand-held mirror camera? It turns out that brief period "ratchet" occurs many interesting things, which is probably best known only to cameras constructors - the average observer, even without flashing fail to see what happens there, as he opens the camera sensor. But now you can see everything - you just have to look at the process of shooting him thousands of times slower.

Simpler digital cameras person looking through the viewfinder is not visible in fact quite the image, which is taken and it is similar to the image which is visible through the viewfinder lens less special.

SLR works differently - it is not an additional viewfinder lens, the photographer sees everything exactly how it will be "visible" and the camera sensor. Preparing to shoot rays of light entering through the lens, bounces off the 45 degree angle of the mirror and go up, and once again looked into the mirror parallel to the first - the photographer's eye. And pressing the shutter button starts Miracles: mirror folds up and opens the wall with curtains, which hides sensor.

For blinds - light sensor that records the image: the more exposure, the more light falls on it, the brighter the image obtained. And the harder it is to capture high-quality moving objects. Exposure time depends on how long the curtain opens the way toward a light sensor - it can take anywhere from a few seconds to decimal and even four decimal fractions of a second.

All these processes - a tumbling mirror, curtain opening and closing process recorded Youtube already well became famous high-speed film experts The Slo Mo Guys. "