What really is it, the speed of light? (Video)

What really is it, the speed of light? (Video)

What really is it, the speed of light? (Video)
www.spicytechnonews.com/news/what-really-is-it--the-speed-of-light---video- spicytechnonews.com

Our understanding of the speed of light is something staggering fast. Is it possible? See for yourself.

Duration - 45 min. During the time a photon of light speed of the solar core and flew only as far as beyond the orbit of Jupiter. Humanity in the photon traveling flashes only about 2 seconds - when the photon zipping along the moon, toward Mars.

In the upper left corner of the display the distance traveled and time. In the upper right - reversing the time is the closest planet to the other. Therefore, if you do not have time to watch the whole 45 minutes. Journeys, a movie can "rewind", by focusing on these readings.

By the way, the film's author Alphonse Swinehart goal was not to depict how the environment looks, traveling the speed of light. Author of the film is to help realize the true distances in the solar system and realize what it is nevertheless significant.

Paradoxically, this 45 min. the duration of the film and help realize another thing - however what poor is the speed of light. Even at the tortoiseshell. What then of the universe - and even the solar system scale.