Why public places is sometimes better not to use wireless internet?

Why public places is sometimes better not to use wireless internet?

Why public places is sometimes better not to use wireless internet?
www.spicytechnonews.com/news/why-public-places-is-sometimes-better-not-to-use-wireless-internet- spicytechnonews.com
Connecting to wireless Internet in all public places (cafes, airports or other) or visit the unknown networks may cost us much more than we thought.

It says the information technology (IT) security expert Arthur Orševskis.

"The fact that you join us to unknown networks, immediately gives the managers a lot of opportunities to see or monitor what is going on in them, because they have full access to the site's administration" - show "Aktuoalioji valanda" on Tuesday said Mr Orševskis.

He explains that the phone is enabled with Wi-Fi or other network, automatically tries to find the station, which is to be able to connect. Yes, according to A. Orševskio, he can join the station unsafe, the administrator can scan your sensitive data.

"If you are logged in and you try to check the mail, if it is not connected to an encrypted channel, then the network manager can retrieve your passwords. If you've been connecting somewhere else, if not encrypted connection, and for the most part still is today without encryption, is that people on the network can see all connections ", - said the IT security expert.

"Definitely do not recommend the online banking connections in cafes, airports, because it really is insecure networks", - he said.